The header is made with a Amberly Benerson Tube.
To use the tube you need to pay for it and have the My Tubed Art License
You can now find her work at Digital Art Heaven
Welcome to my Tuts on pages section of the site. These are some of the tutorials I have writen with permission of the artists as to use there work here.
Click on the picture below
A learning Tutorial on how to add scrap kit pieces to a template then add to a tag.
A learning Tutorial on how to add color to a mask then add to a tag. This is a timeline set for Facebook.
A how to : write on a shape in Paint Shop Pro.
A learning Tutorial because I was asked to write it.
Spring friends
Eternal Love
Butterflies among us
Butterflies, Butterflies.
Making a wish with this tutorial.
This one is a fun tut for slats
This next one is a twist of fun.
CT Tutorial for Bits N Bobs
For a haunted time try this tutorial.
Come and paint my world
Glorious rainbow
How lovely are your colours
I can sing to you rainbow
The rainbow of colors
I am sitting on a rainbow
I have this rainbow that no,
One can see
Are the most beautiful I've,
ever seen
How wonderful you are,
My beautiful rainbow
Fell like dancing under a.
I see a rainbow
Come and paint my world.
Les't the colors warm my life.
Maria Luisa Taylor....